Self healing for Igel 11.09 & Imprivata PIE 7.12

3 min read
Self healing for Igel 11.09 & Imprivata PIE 7.12
When upgrading to Igel 11.09 you may find Imprivata PIE 7.11 will not upgrade to 7.12

Igel 11.09 os update is available

Everything is running fine. You see a new Igel OS update to 11.09 and give it a try. After reboot your left with a screen like this: the Imprivata lock screen did not load.


Deep dive time

After connecting with ssh to an Igel device run the command: ImprivataBootstrap and receive error 404 when trying to find the url:

ProveID embedded 7.12

Looking at Imprivata your on ProvideID Embedded 7.11 and there is a new 7.12 release. Following the steps, download and install on your Imprivata appliance.

PIE 7.12 does install on your Igel device with os 11.09 though still no Imprivata lock screen. SSH to device and run: ImprivataBootstrap now returns:

2023-11-08 01:06:27,127 - bootstrap - ERROR: Failed to import main loader. Reason: bad magic number in 'MainLoader': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'

One off

Fix this for a single device at the command prompt with the following, which will remove the previous install of ImprivataBootstrap with a wipe then request a new install that will be PIE 7.12.

  • ImprivataBootstrap -w
  • ImprivataBootstrap

Thousands of devices

Now what to do for the multitude of Igel devices you need to upgrade?

I’ve put together a bash script that will accomplish the following:

  • Wait 5 minutes after boot, good incase an upgrade is still taking place.
  • Check if the file /.imprivata_data/runtime/offline/Agent/FirstDomain.txt exist. This file is only present if Imprivata lock screen loads.
  • If file is found take no action. If file is not found run the below bootstrap commands to wipe and reboot the device.

echo $(date +"%Y%m%d_%T")\n >> /run/Imprivata_BootCheck_Start.log

sleep 300

if [ -a /.imprivata_data/runtime/offline/Agent/FirstDomain.txt ]
	echo $(date +"%Y%m%d_%T")\n >>  /run/Imprivata_BootCheck_FileYes.log
	echo $(date +"%Y%m%d_%T")\n >>  /run/Imprivata_BootCheck_FileNo.log
	ImprivataBootstrap -w


As you can see this creates a log file when it starts and check files with results. Each file has a timestamp written into it.

Igel policy

Create an Igel policy named: OS11 Imprivata check if bootstrap. Then enter this:

  • System > Firmware Customizations > Custom Commands > Desktop > Final desktop command: /run/ &
  • Create the bash file above, upload it to Igel file and put its path to /run.
  • Attach the file to the Igel profile you just created: OS11 Imprivata check if bootstrap.

Final thoughts

Attach the new Igel profile & OS 11.09 to the same folder. Then devices will upgrade to Igel OS 11.09 and PIE 7.12 automatically. In addition I’ve attached this policy to a folder with Igel OS 11.08. The result is a successful downgrade of both OS 11.08 and PIE 7.11.

Your safe to move up or down both Igel and Imprivata versions moving devices from one folder to the other. For a sense of scale I’ve used this against thousands of devices without a hitch.



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Imprivata ProveID Embedded 7.12

Installing PIE 7.12 on iGEL OS with firmware version 11.09.100 getting error - bad magic number in 'MainLoader'

Virtualize Brief
