Citrix Powertools Get-ConcurrentUser-LicenseCount.ps1

1 min read
Citrix Powertools Get-ConcurrentUser-LicenseCount.ps1
When your in grace mode and need to know how many concurrent license your short of.


A set of Powershell based scripts to simplify managing a Citrix site and unlocking its hidden features.


Citrix license count for concurrent users.

  • Use BrokeringUserName
  • Get unique names per site
  • Comparing sites for unique names

This total will give you an accurate idea of how many concurrent license your using in the event you’ve gone overdraft and are now in supplemental grace period. Time to act and knowing how many licenses you need is key.

Results from running script

Powershell code

#-you configure these settings
$site1dc = "site1controller"
$site2dc = "site2controller"
$maxSessions = "1400" #your-license-count

Write-host ""
write-host "Powertools" -ForegroundColor cyan
write-host " Citrix license count for concurrent users"
write-host " note: does not include Citrix cloud site" -foregroundcolor yellow
write-host " Available concurrrent license count: $maxSessions" -ForegroundColor green
write-host " $time"
write-host ""
write-host "Results" -foregroundcolor Cyan

#-do the thing
$site1name = (Get-BrokerSite -AdminAddress $site1dc).name
$site1 = ((Get-BrokerSession -AdminAddress $site1dc -MaxRecordCount 10000).BrokeringUserName  | Sort-Object | Get-Unique).count
$site1Users = (Get-BrokerSession -AdminAddress $site1dc -MaxRecordCount 10000).BrokeringUserName  | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
$site2name = (Get-BrokerSite -AdminAddress $site2dc).name
$site2 = ((Get-BrokerSession -AdminAddress $site2dc -MaxRecordCount 10000).BrokeringUserName  | Sort-Object | Get-Unique).count
$site2Users = (Get-BrokerSession -AdminAddress $site2dc -MaxRecordCount 10000).BrokeringUserName  | Sort-Object | Get-Unique

$UniqueUsers = $site1Users + $site2Users
$trueUniqueUsers = ($UniqueUsers | Sort-Object | Get-Unique).count
$time = get-date

If ($trueUniqueUsers -gt $maxSessions){$warning = "red"}
If ($trueUniqueUsers -eq $maxSessions){$warning = "yellow"}
If ($trueUniqueUsers -lt $maxSessions){$warning = "green"}

write-host " * $site1name site: $site1"
write-host " * $site2name site: $site2"
write-host " Total concurrent users: " -nonewline
write-host "$trueUniqueUsers" -ForegroundColor $warning
write-host ""
write-host ""
write-host ""
Virtualize Brief
